Client dinner

Industry dinner provides insights into Groceries Code

over 5 years ago by Claire Smith

​MorePeople held a networking dinner in partnership with Freeths LLP at one of England's greatest coaching inns, The George of Stamford, at the end of April. The intimate dinner was attended by around twenty food leaders who had the invaluable opportunity of hearing from the Groceries Code Adjudicator, Christine Tacon.

The evening began with a presentation about the key lessons learnt since Tacon started the role back in 2013 and an overview of her role as Chair of MDS (Management Development Services Ltd). Dinner was followed by a relaxed Q&A session where guests were encouraged to share their own experiences of working with the retailers covered by the Groceries Supply Code of Practice.

Guy Moreton, CEO of MorePeople, commented:

"We have known Christine for many years as both a client (when she was CEO of the Co-op Farming business), as a candidate and a friend. She has spoken at a number of our events in the past and is always enlightening. We were delighted to be able to facilitate this evening for a number of business leaders in the industry."

Andrew Fitzmaurice, Managing Director of MorePeople, said afterwards:

"We’re fortunate to be a well-connected team at MorePeople, although we work hard at it! This means that when we organise industry dinners, the calibre of the guests in attendance is always excellent. The evenings provide ample opportunity for networking and for us to to learn about the challenges that our clients are facing; we appreciate that business leaders are often time poor so it’s important to make the most of the occasion. As ever, the dinners aren’t all work, work, work. We’ve managed to strike a nice balance between the social and the businesslike - understanding the cultures of our clients and candidates has always been, and always will be, a crucial part of recruitment too."