Last month, Sarah Want, one of the recruiters in our Agronomy & Growing team, visited Ghana for a month on a charity mission.
The latest trip came about following a previous mission that Sarah took part in four years ago, where she spent a life-changing month volunteering in a remote African village. Sarah went with a charity called Village by Village, whose aim is to reduce the needless suffering and deaths of children living in poverty in remote rural African villages, and she has stayed in contact with them ever since.
This summer Sarah went back to Ghana for a month, taking her mum with her. Whilst out there they supported with teaching during term time, before running a summer school.
They also supported in baby weighing, visiting the remotest of villages to keep baby records up-to-date, which involved weighing them, updating records and preparing vaccinations.
Any spare time was spent building and they helped to finish two Junior High Schools. This involved everything from mixing mortar and plastering to laying floors, painting and digging trenches.
Before going on the trip, Sarah and her mum had to raise over £2000, which was donated directly to the charity for things such as school and building supplies.
MorePeople was pleased to support Sarah on this mission. She is now back in the swing of things and actively looking for candidates for some exciting new agronomy roles. To find out more about these roles, email or call 01780 480530.