Young Professionals networking

Networking and cocktails is a great mix for young professionals!

over 5 years ago by

​A networking group for young professionals in the food and farming industries had its third social event on Friday night, attracting numbers that more than doubled the inaugural event. Over 40 people enjoyed a cocktail making masterclass at the Cosy Club in Stamford, mixing up some heady combinations while making valuable industry connections.

MorePeople, a specialist recruitment business for the fresh food, horticulture and agriculture sectors, established the group to create an opportunity for professionals under the age of 30 who are new to networking style events to get together in an informal environment, share experiences and make new contacts.

Edina Bremner, Team Manager for Agronomy & Growing recruitment at MorePeople, explained her motivation for setting up the group:

“We attend a lot of networking events and I found it noticeable that they were not attracting many people under the age of 30. We wanted to fill this gap by hosting regular, informal, social events to give young people in the industry the chance to meet people from similar organisations.”

“It’s fantastic to see the group growing so quickly, and feedback from everybody I spoke to on the night was extremely positive. We plan to continue hosting these events quarterly and I’m looking forward to planning the next one early in 2020.”

If you want to find out more about the group, or sign up for notifications about future events, contact or call 01780 480530.