Ag Careers Live

Investing in Farming's Future at Ag Careers Live

almost 5 years ago by Claire Smith

​MorePeople's specialist agricultural team exhibited at Ag Careers Live at Villa Park in Birmingham for the first time on 20th November.

This careers fair is now in its' 4th year and aims to inspire the next generation of talent into agricultural careers. Having attended as a visitor last year, we were keen to get more involved this time and help to promote careers in a sector that we are extremely passionate about. Representing our clients, we were able to raise the profile of the types of jobs and breadth of opportunities that are available in the sector, giving advice on how to get started in the industry. With visitors from universities across the country, the team were on hand to answer questions about careers in the industry and provide tips on succeeding with CVs and interviews.

Senior Consultant for MorePeople, Mike Kendall, said:

"I was really impressed with the general buzz and enthusiasm of the visitors. It's so important that they understand the dynamic and exciting roles that are available within agriculture. We can play a key part in getting this message out there and helping them to get on the career ladder and this event is the ideal arena to do this."

Organised by Farmers Weekly, the event goal is to promote the farming industry as one of the most influential and cutting edge places to be for the next generation coming through. Running alongside the careers fair was a conference for entrepreneurial young professionals, Fertile Minds. This event brought together over 150 of the brightest and most ambitious minds in the industry today as they consider how to develop their own careers and influence in the industry.

For more information about the event, visit