Back to Normal

Back to normal? Managing employees during the return to work

about 4 years ago by Claire Smith

​Are you making plans to bring staff back to the office? After months of working from home, this transition presents HR teams with numerous challenges that they've never faced before. For employees, it may not just be a case of picking up where they left off either as their worlds will have changed over the past few months.

Equally, permanent home working or flexible working might be your business plan? Or, as the end of the furlough scheme draws closer, will your organisation be in the unfortunate position of having to consider making redundancies?

For most of you reading this, one of the above scenarios will be your reality, which is why we were keen to team up with Roythornes Solicitors to bring you a webinar that will cover all of these topics and more.

Taking place on Tuesday 25th August at 12:00pm for up to an hour, our CEO, Guy Moreton, will be chairing a question and answer based webinar with the Roythornes employment law team.

Join us for what is expected to be an insightful discussion with practical advice for those with responsibility for employees to manage the transition from lockdown, furlough and working from home to the ‘new normal’, whatever shape that will take. Guy and the panel will cover any questions you may have about the furlough scheme, bringing employees back to work, managing working from home requests and redundancies.

There will be plenty of time to ask questions during the webinar, however you will also be invited to submit them before the event for the team to consider.