2021 follows a very unusual year in the world of recruitment, as well as in the world generally. With reports of the economic impact of Covid, furlough schemes and redundancies, there's a misconception that there's a wealth of talent out there looking for jobs right now. We speak to candidates all day every day and, in the sectors we recruit for, it is hard to attract the best people.
So, what is the current candidate situation?
The recruitment market is incredibly competitive and the fight for top talent is really on. We have seen some very positive results in Q4 2020 and in Q1 2021, but companies (and recruiters!) are having to work harder than ever to source the best candidates. Confidence is returning across candidate pools, but job security, counter offers and proactive recruitment processes are paramount. Perhaps now is the time to consider alternative recruitment solutions? If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got.
What can you do to attract the best talent in 2021?
Think about the salary and benefits package you're offering - is it still right for today's needs?
Be mindful that interviews are a two-way process and candidates will be interviewing you more than ever.
Speed up your recruitment processes where you can e.g. use video for first stage interviews.
Try using an Executive Search solution rather than working with recruiters on a contingent basis.
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