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Farm Managers in 2022...

almost 3 years ago by Natalie Smith

The Institute of Agricultural Management published their 2022 report on Farm Managers in 2022 Their Jobs and Their Pay, which consists of some interesting insights into the area. The survey was introduced in 1969 and the 2022 edition is the 35th of its kind and has seen the highest respondent rate ever with 129 in the sample.

Here are some interesting findings summarised;

  • The average annual salary for UK farm managers in 2022 according to the survey is £53,306, 7.6% increase over a two-year period.

  • Other non-cash benefits such as accommodation, house bills, use of farm vehicle etc averaged at an additional £10,766 per manager.

  • 46% of farm managers are younger than 40 – almost double the level from 10 years ago! It suggests those managing the larger and more diversified operations are getting younger.

  • Young farm managers are more likely to be degree educated with 86% of those under 30 having academic qualifications to degree level. It seems the role demands educated individuals more and more, however it’s been noted that those with diplomas tend to earn more than those with degrees.

  • Experience is worth more than qualifications, the survey suggests. Over 10 years’ experience earnt an average income of just over £60k, compared to less than 5 years’ experience earning an average of £37,680.

  • Only 5% of farm managers are female, however this has increased from 2% from the last survey and the highest level recorded. It’s noted that male managers earn more than female, ‘but this might be a reflection on the greater number of young females with less management experience.’.

  • Since the first survey, over 50 years ago, the role of farm manager has changed dramatically. Health and safety is now much higher on the agenda, there is more powerful and sophisticated machinery and bigger farms and estates. There is now also more non-farming, diversified income initiatives that over half of farm managers deal with under their management.

The MorePeople team regularly speak with and recruit for Farm Managers and a variety of other roles in that area. As well as Rural Professionals such as Rural Surveyors, Utilities Surveyors, Estate Management and so on.

If you fancy a chat or some further advice, give us a call on 01780 480 530 or email Sarah, Lycia and Tim are our experts and speak daily with clients and candidates in the industry.