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MorePeople 5 Questions - David Pratt

about 1 year ago by Natalie Smith

​David Pratt, sporting his MorePeople Umbrella at Glastonbury last month, is next in line for our MorePeople 5 Questions.

David joined the industry straight from uni, starting at Geest Produce Marketing and was hooked from there! He now focuses his time on a NED role for Angus Soft Fruits and being Chairman for Growers Direct, as well as his current role as Director of Food Heroes.

What's the single biggest challenge facing our industry today?

Rewarding the growers and risk takers for their endeavor, not getting lost in the clamor for margins from the conglomerate members of the supply chain to the customer.

What do you think the next big product / piece of tech will be?

I think drones will be a significant change to how we farm, and I think the new soft fruit varieties will drive that section of the produce industry to greater heights.

What do you like most about our industry?

The people, and the global community.

What was your first ever job in our industry?

Account assistant for fruit looking after M&S for Geest Produce Marketing. I was on a 12-month placement from Liverpool Poly! I had no understanding of the industry on arrival, but loved the endeavour and I was hooked straight away.

What piece of advice would you like to give to your 21-year-old self?

Be humble and friendly