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Fruit Attraction 2023

about 1 year ago by

MorePeople attended the 15th Fruit Attraction in Madrid this month, bringing together ‘more than 90,000 potential customers from 135 countries who are looking for the latest trends in the fruit and vegetable industry – the meeting point for fruit and vegetable professionals from all over the world!’

It was our second time visiting the show, Richard Hanwell and Tom Edmondson-Matthews took the trip to experience all the show has to offer!

Tom comments;

“How do you sum it up? Amazing really. It’s a massive but manageable show with loads of people from the industry with Madrid in October and 30-degree sunshine as the backdrop. What’s not to like?!

It’s the biggest fresh produce show that I’ve ever been to as Logistica has clashed with my daughter's birthday in the past. However, it was still easy to get around and meet people, and loads of people had time to speak to us - it wasn’t as rushed and high-pressure as I’ve heard Berlin is (I’ll find out in Feb).

The scale of the fresh produce industry and the international element is something I hadn’t really seen before. You think you know a decent amount of who’s-who and what business focuses on which category etc but Fruit Attraction really opened my eyes to how big the sector is and how many global businesses and growers are out there.

If you go, make sure you wear a comfortable pair of shoes and be prepared to hit 20k+ steps a day. I was confused to see some people wearing training shoes with a suit until the blisters at the end of day one. When you’re there, take time to walk around between meetings if you have the time – you never know who you will bump into and catch up with.

So, is it worth going? Absolutely. It’s not very often that so many people from the fresh produce sector are all in one place. It was easier to go to Madrid to meet with that many people over the course of a few days compared to trekking up and down the country to see the same familiar faces. What I enjoyed most was definitely the people. Don’t get me wrong, the sunshine and the food help, but seeing so many people and getting out and about to meet them was the best thing.”