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Get to know... Jack

11 months ago by

​Name: Jack Brooks
Role: Recruitment Consultant, Operations
Joined MorePeople: June 2023

1.Describe your job in three words: Tough, Rewarding and Entertaining

2. What’s the coolest thing you’re working on right now? A General Manager for a vertical Farming Company.

3. Which famous person would you love to meet? Joe Marler

4. Favourite drink? Guinness

5. Best holiday destination so far? Switzerland or The Dominican Republic.

6. What are you currently reading? Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.

7. Current favourite song? Baddadan by Chase & Status.

8. If you weren’t a recruiter, what would you be? In sales or in the Military.

9. If you had to watch only one tv show over and over forever, which one would it be? Breaking Bad.

10. What’s your biggest claim to fame? I met Michael Hooper in Woolworths whilst travelling in Australia and was in the audience for a Grand Tour Episode!

11. Where were you born? Peterborough....

12. What’s your proudest moment? Walking my mother down the aisle OR my half century if you know you know...

13. Dogs or Cats? Dogs obviously.

14. Which football team do you support? I think you meant Rugby in which case Leicester Tigers.

15. What skill do you wish you possess? Flight or the power of persuasion could be useful.

16. What’s your guilty pleasure? Clubhouse Bowling.

17. What did you want to be when you were a kid? A Pilot or Batman.

18. What three things are you taking to a deserted island? A knife, firelighter and a Wilson.

19. Do you have any phobias? None but don't come near me with spiders.

20. Where are you next going on holiday? Somewhere Cheap.

21. What’s your least favourite household chore? All of them.

22. Describe MorePeople in three words: Exciting, Modern and Supportive.

23. What do you love most about your sector? The vastness of the roles it covers Operations is everything from Supply Chain through to Production and then Logistics.

24. Who inspires you? Jordan Peterson

25. What is the worst job you ever had? I used to be a swim teacher when I was studying for my A-levels and that was horrendous.