MorePeople recently welcomed James and Miles to the MorePeople Team!
James joins MorePeople with over 5 years of experience in recruitment, he started his career in fire & security before heading to London and specialising in IT recruitment for 3 years. Impressed by the vision, mindset and culture of MorePeople he embarks on his journey into Food and FMCG joining our Commercial team.
Before relocating to Rutland, Miles grew up in rural Wiltshire and has always enjoyed various country pursuits. He graduated from Cardiff University with a degree in French and History, with previous experience in sporting sales, Miles joins the Rural Professionals Desk at MorePeople. He deals with the likes of Rural Surveying and Estate Management.
You can find out more about them here and don't forget to connect with them on LinkedIn
After a record 2023, we are always looking to expand the team. If you're curious about what MorePeople can offer you email or call 01780 480 530