The YPHA have recently released their first accelerator programme, designed to prioritise essential skills that the industry relies on but often neglects. The Programme is fully funded by supporters Westland, Beekenkamp, Poppelman, Floramedia, the BPOA and headline sponsor Bred by Peter Moore.
The programme will be led by Natalie Boynton (nee Porter) and challenges each group of ten to bring a new product to market, ensuring they have chosen a suitable name, conducted market research, calculated commercial viability, capturing photography, building design briefs, communicating with the press and pitching to buyers. The programme will host workshops hosted by industry experts including Boyd Douglas-Davies, Eve Kerrigan, Jennie Kwan, Jane Lawler and more.
The programme will start with a tour of Floramedia and Beekenkamp in the Netherlands. This is where the team allocations will also take place. The teams will be allocated based on interactions on the trip and the results of personality profiling provided by MorePeople who are also supporters of the YPHA.
As a business, we use personality profiling both internally and externally. It allows us to give clients extra confidence that candidates are a good fit for their specific roles and the company culture. Using this profiling for the YPHA programme will allow for group cohesiveness.
You can read the full YPHA article here
If you wish to speak to us about how we use personality profiling or psychometric testing you can email or call 01780 480 530 to learn more.