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Movember...The Results!

about 2 months ago by Beth Cummings

Let's take a moment to look back on last month and recap MorePeople's efforts for Movember! It was great to see so many of us getting stuck in and of course, spreading awareness of men's mental and physical health.

Movember is an annual event targeted to raise money for men's health challenges such as prostate and testicular cancer, but also to highlight the impact of mental health on men. We lose 1 man to suicide every minute of every day across the globe which is an incredibly scary statistic.

MorePeople wanted to help promote this incredible charity, like they do every single year, in a variety of different ways!

Our Results

The MorePeople team managed to raise an incredible £1339! Whether it was from growing a moustache, getting your steps in, or baking for the office, it was a great effort from everyone.

We wanted to give a special shoutout to Rae for not only hitting her target of moving 60km (she hit 60.5k), but Rae achieved her fundraising target of £500!

Check out some of the team images below, where you can see the final moustache results from the guys, the bake sale where we consumed more sugar than humanly possible, and fun with fake moustaches!

All of our efforts were to get everyone talking to break norms and spread awareness of the mental and physical health challenges men face daily.

Well done to the MorePeople Team!

You can see the MorePeople's Movember page by clicking here.