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Q1 Round up

over 1 year ago by Natalie Smith

​Q1 2023 has seen more personal bests for MorePeople. Best ever week, month AND quarter – quite the record!

As an ever-growing business, we welcomed five new team members;

  • Max

  • Sandra

  • Austin

  • Lucy

  • James

We all went to IFly to experience indoor skydiving, and continued our monthly lunch clubs! Our new Team of the Month initiative was launched which you can read more on here.

Our events calendar was as busy as always, with members of the team attending;

Plus, we hosted three of our Executive Networking Club dinners! Not heard about them? Then find out more >

We’ve kicked off 2023 with loads of training, including whole team sales training with Chris Dawson at 6th Door training, Management & Leadership training for our management team, and also some ‘train the trainer’ training with Seventh Wave!

Our More People 5 Questions was also launched, interviewing senior leaders within our industry as they visit our office in Stamford. Take a look at them here

MD, Richard Hanwell comments;

"What a fantastic start to the year by the team. Records being smashed and new people hitting the ground running which is a credit to them and the established team also. As always, we have invested in the right areas; training, networking and celebrating success aka FUN! In an ever-changing market it is the adaptability and resilience of the team and the business that gives me so much confidence for the rest of the year and beyond. If you are interested in exploring opportunities in working with MorePeople then please reach out and email"

A pretty busy start to the year, stay tuned to see what Q2 has in store for us…